Star Carr


Two paintings commissioned for the ‘Survival Story: Prehistoric Life at Star Carr’ exhibition at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge. 21st June 2018 – 19th April 2020.

Curated by Dr Jody Joy, the exhibition focused on the remarkable discoveries made at the Mesolithic site of Star Carr, North Yorkshire. 11,500 years ago the site was a camp by a lake, the wetland peat conditions resulting in astonishing preservation of organic remains. 

Rose was asked to create paintings that would compliment the broad narrative of the exhibition, whilst bringing something extra to the objects on display. Having witnessed excavations at the site, Rose chose to focus on the extraordinary way materials emerged from the peat, and the skill of the archaeologists in identifying processes and narratives within this. The two paintings echoed archaeological ways of seeing, taking a plan and section view. Oil pastel and guache created resistant marks, showing the fleeting glimpses of emerging forms within the broader peaty textures. 

You can find out more about the exhibition here.  

‘Star Carr, Plan’ in the exhibition at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge