

Smith, J. and Ferraby, R. 2021. ‘Warp-land, Holderness’. In Allen, N. and Stafford, F. Archipelago: A Reader. p. 404-414. Dublin: The Liliput Press


Ferraby, R. 2020. The Quarry: Stories from Fragments. Norwegian Archaeological Review 53:2: 104-113

Ferraby, R. and Millett, M. 2020. Isurium Brigantum: An Archaeological Survey of Roman Aldborough. London: Society of Antiquaries

Ferraby, R. and St. John, R. 2020. Soundmarks: scoring the sub-surface. Oscillations: St Jude’s

Ferraby, R. 2020. Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning: First Response. Epoiesen Journal

Ferraby, R. and St. John, R. 2020. Soundmarks: Casting light on the sub-surface. The Learned Pig. Read

Ferraby, R. 2020. Soundmarks. Caught by the River. Read


Ferraby, R. and St. John, R. 2019. Soundmarks. Bowland: Pattern and Process Press

Ferraby, R. and Powlesland, D. 2019. Heritage and Landscape Change: Recording, archiving and engaging with photogrammetry on the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 130 (3-4): 483-492

Smith, J. and Ferraby, R. 2019. Warp-land, Holderness. Archipelago 12: 66-75

Ferraby, R. and St. John, R. 2019. Soundmarks: Experiencing the sub-surface. British Archaeology 168: 44-49


Ferraby, R2018. Gypsum and Alabaster. In Smalley, M. (ed.) Cornerstones. Little Toller Press

Ferraby, R., Dobinson, C., Lucas, J., Millett, M. and Wallace, L. 2018. Archaeological field-survey in the environs of Aldborough, Isurium Brigantum. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 90(1):29-58


Ferraby, R., Johnson, P., Millett, M. and Wallace, L.M. (eds.) 2017. Thwing, Rudston and the Roman Period Exploitation of the Yorkshire Wolds. Yorkshire Archaeological Report.


Thompson, L., Smith, J. and Ferraby, R. 2016. Exeter Tree Tales. Little Toller Press and Common Ground

Millett, M. and Ferraby, R. 2016. Aldborough (Isurium Brigantum), English Heritage Guidebook. London: English Heritage

Ferraby, R.  2016. Geophysics: Creativity and the Archaeological Imagination. Internet Archaeology 44. Read

Ferraby, R. and Millett, M. 2016. Exploring the Roman Town of Isurium Brigantum. Current Archaeology 312:20-25


Ferraby, R. 2015. Narrating Change on the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. In Harvey, D.C. and Perry, J. (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. London: Routledge.

Ferraby, R. 2015. Stone Exposures: A Cultural Geology of the Jurassic Coast. University of Exeter


Edmonds, M. and Ferraby, R. 2013. Stonework. Stromness: Group VI Press